Article I  Name

The name of this association shall be the Howard County Association of the Deaf, hereinafter referred to as “HCAD”.

Article II – Purposes

Section 1 – HCAD seeks to be an exemplary organization-providing advocacy and services to the Deaf[1]  citizens in Howard County, Maryland.

Section 2 – The objectives of HCAD are:

(a) to enhance the quality of Deaf people’s lives;

(b) to represent the Deaf community in Howard County, Maryland;

(c) to establish a progressive partnership with the Howard County government;

(d) to develop a positive relationship between Deaf and hearing constituents in Howard County by developing open communication and understanding amongst the Deaf and hearing communities;

(e) to promote awareness about Deaf people’s civil rights, unique issues, culture and language;

(f) to advocate for Deaf people’s rights to equal access to communication, education, technologies and services;

(f) to provide educational and social events to the Deaf and hearing communities (i.e., educational workshops and social gatherings for exchanging ideas and to elevate better understanding).


ARTICLE III — Board of Directors

Section 1 — Board Composition:  The Board of Directors shall consist of the following officers: (1) the President; (2) the Vice President; (3) the Secretary; (4) the Treasurer; (5) the Director of Social Affairs; and at least two Directors-at-Large.

Section 2 – Meetings and notice:  The Board shall meet at least three times a year, at an agreed upon time and place.  An official board meeting requires that each board member have written or electronic voting online notice at least two weeks in advance.

Section 3— Quorum:  A quorum must be attended by at least a majority of the Board for elections and transactions to take place, and motions to pass.

ARTICLE IV –Board Officers

Section 1 – The duties of the following elected officers are:

(a) President:

Shall preside at all board meetings,

Shall authenticate all documents prior to the meetings,

Shall develop and present an agenda for each board meeting, and

Shall approve all final copies of any social or advocacy promotion in name of HCAD;

(b) Vice-President:

Shall assume the responsibilities of the President in his or her absence;

(c) Secretary:

Shall keep correct minutes of all board meetings,

Shall have the custody of the seal and authenticate all documents when so ordered by the Board, and

Shall conduct general correspondence on behalf of HCAD.

(d) Treasurer:

Shall supervise the collection of all monies due to HCAD, which shall be deposited in the name of HCAD at banks or investment firms designated by the Board,

Shall maintain all records of any transactions involving payment to and by HCAD, and

Shall be responsible to appoint an Auditor, when deemed necessary, with the approval of at least two/thirds of the entire Board of Directors.

(e) Directors-at-Large:

There shall be at least two Directors-at-Large, elected by the Board.

(f) Director of Social Affairs:

There shall be Director of Social Affairs, appointed by the Board

Shall be responsible for coordination of all social events sponsored by HCAD, and

Shall oversee chairpersons of social events and pre-approve all HCAD sponsored events.

Section 2 – General Duties of Board Directors

(a) To solicit the views and opinions of the constituents HCAD serves;

(b) to communicate such views to the appropriate sources;

(c) to manage the affairs of HCAD between board meetings;

(d) to appoint committees as may be deemed for carrying out the purposes of HCAD;

(e) to give full and complete reports of HCAD activities in public via website or social media;

(f) to consult with any individuals or groups whose positions or knowledge can further the purposes of HCAD.

ARTICLE V – Elections

Section 1 — Board elections:   The Board of Directors shall elect directors to replace those whose terms will expire. This election shall take place during a regular meeting of the Board, called in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.

Section 2 — Election procedures

New directors shall be elected by a majority of the entire Board present at a general board meeting, provided there is a quorum present.

Section 3 – Officer Eligibility

(a) Officers of HCAD shall be elected in a board meeting or via electronic voting online in the last quarter of the calendar year;

(b) Each qualified candidate for President and Vice President shall be:

(1) a resident in Howard County,

(2) at least twenty-one years of age upon assuming office;

(c) Each qualified candidate for the remaining officer positions shall be:

(1) a resident or employed in Howard County, and

(2) at least eighteen years of age upon assuming office.

Section 4 – Term of Office

(a) All terms of offices shall commence immediately upon the adjournment of the meeting at which the election was held;

(b) In order to have continuity, each officer shall be elected for a two-years term;

(c) Officers may serve in any office for three consecutive terms, but if there is no contest, may run for additional terms.

Section 5 – Removal, Severance, and Vacancies

(a) Any officer may be removed from office by a two/thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board;

(b) The officer in question shall be given fourteen (14) days of notice to appeal in writing prior to such pending action and further, the affected individual has the right to defend his/ her actions before the Board at an appropriate private meeting;

(c) In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President either by death, resignation, or removal, or for any other cause, the Vice-President shall assume the position of the President until the next Board meeting;

(d) Thus, the successor, appointed by majority of vote of the entire board, shall serve the remainder of the term;

(e) In the event of a vacancy in the office of any Board Officer other than the President, the President shall convene the Board which shall, by majority vote of the entire Board; elect a successor to carry out the remainder of the term.

Article VI – Meetings

Section 1 – Order of Business

The order of business at the general board meetings shall be as follows:

  • Roll call:
    (2) Reading of the minutes;
    (3) Officers’ reports;
    (4) Committee reports;
    (5) Old business;
    (6) New business; and
    (7) Announcements.

Section 2 – Motions

Motions shall be passed by majority of the entire Board present at a Board meeting.  Any vote for approval via electronic voting online shall be ratified at the next Board meeting.

Article VII – Parliamentary Authority

Unless is inconsistent with these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at all meetings hosted by the officers and committee members of the HCAD.

Article VIII – Amendments

Any article or section of these bylaws may be amended at a scheduled general board meeting with a two/thirds (2/3) approval of the entire Board.

Article IX – Dissolution

Upon dissolution of this organization, remaining assets after payment of all liabilities shall be distributed consistent with its purpose and within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.



Approved at the HCAD General Meeting on 9/16/2017


[1] The term, “Deaf,” encompasses Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing.